Thursday, April 1, 2010

OSHA's HAZWOPER standard

The HAZWOPER applies to five separate groups of employers and their employees. This includes any employees who are exposed to hazardous substances and who are engaged in one of the following operations as specified by 1910.120(a)(1)(i-v) and 1926.65(a)(1)(i-v) and 40 Hazwoper training is required by these:
 clean-up operations -- necessary by a governmental body, whether federal, state, local, or other relating hazardous substances -- that are conducted at uninhibited hazardous waste sites;
 remedial actions involving clean-up operations at sites covered by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA) as amended (42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq.);
 intentional clean-up operations at sites documented by federal, state, local, or other governmental body as uncontrolled hazardous waste sites;
 operations concerning hazardous wastes that are conducted at treatment, storage, and removal facilities regulated by Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 264 and 265 pursuant to RCRA, or by agencies under accord with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to implement RCRA regulations; and
 emergency response operations for releases of, or considerable threats of releases of, hazardous substances in spite of of the location of the hazard.

Is computer-based training acceptable for Hazwoper and 40 Hazwoper training?
Computer-based training may meet Hazwoper and 4o Hazwoper training requirements, provided that it covers topics pertinent to workers' assigned duties. It must be supplemented by the chance to ask questions of a qualified trainer and by an assessment through tests and quizzes.
In OSHA's view, self-paced, interactive computer-based training can provide as a valuable OSHA training tool in the circumstance of an overall training program. However, use of computer-based training by itself would not be sufficient to meet the intent of most of OSHA training requirements, in particular those of HAZWOPER. OSHA urges employers to be cautious of relying solely on generic, "packaged" training programs in meeting their training requirements. For example, training under 40 HAZWOPER includes site-specific basics and should also, to some degree, be tailored to workers' assigned duties so hands on training is also required.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Lowest prices on OSHA training and OSHA outreach courses is offering lowest possible prices on all OSHA 10 training and Outreach Courses. All these courses are 100% online and OSHA accepted. OSHA 10 Hour is for $89 while OSHA 30 Hour is for $ 189 and 40 Hazwoper is for $ 375!! Login today to view our course catalog at

Monday, March 15, 2010

What are confined spaces? What OSHA training is required?

What are confined spaces? What OSHA 10 training is required?
Many workplaces have spaces that are "confined" because their structure hinders the actions of employees who must enter, work in, and exit them. A confined space has narrow or limited means for entry or exit, and it is not considered for long term employee possession. Confined spaces comprise, but are not limited to underground vaults, tanks, storage bins, manholes, pits, silos, process vessels, and pipelines. OSHA uses the term "permit-required confined space" (permit space) to explain a confined space that has one or more of the below characteristics: contains or has the possibility to contain a hazardous atmosphere; is filled with a material that has the ability to swallow up an entrant; is made of walls that congregate inward or floors that slope descending and get thinner into a smaller area which could entrap or suffocate an entrant; or contains any other documented safety or health hazard, such as unguarded machinery, exposed live wires, or heat stress.
What standards apply?
Confined space hazards are described in specific OSHA standards for the general industry and shipyard employment. OSH Act directs employers to "furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees”. It also requires employers to "comply with occupational safety and health standards promulgated under this Act".
What OSHA 10 training is required?
The OSHA 10 training required for Confined spaces is an important part of the OSHA training standards. This OSHA training course covers the safety parameter of the workers working in permit required confined spaces. It teaches about the accidents that could occur during their work in confined spaces.

• Have Introduction OSHA training to Confined Spaces
• Know about the Characteristics and structure of Confined Spaces
• Learn the Atmospheric Conditions
• Learn the Prevention Program
• Recognize the Duties of Employers and Employees
• Recognize the Rescue & Emergency Services
• Recognize the Testing Protocol

Occupational safety training a nationwide OSHA training firm declared a new program to decrease fire related accidents at workplace and deal with hazardous waste material in your industries.
Every day employees prove they are able to use poorly designed equipment, often under difficult working conditions. People adapt and can tolerate small departures from optimal designs of the equipment they use and the environments in which they work. However, there is a limit to the amount of adaptation a person can reasonably make. Beyond this is a cost in job efficiency, discomfort, frustration, job dissatisfaction, and fatigue. All of these increase potential for accidents and personal injury, attendance problems, and employee turnover.
Some employers say even though they have purchased the latest, most ergonomically sound office equipment, employees still complain of discomfort. Problems such as stiff necks, sore backs, and carpel tunnel syndrome continue to occur. Unfortunately, many employees don't understand the ergonomic concept. The most ergonomically sound chair will not help if it is not adjusted or used properly. In addition, there may be other factors such as the position of the monitor or keyboard that may be the real culprit. According to Ken Zans, a recognized ergonomics specialist, "Our work environment impacts our comfort, health, and performance. Quite often we have control over our environment, yet we either don't know how to make change, or we become creatures of our own bad habits. When you take the time to educate an employee about proper work practices, you also establish expected work behaviors and procedures. An ergonomic assessment of the work station and a review of an employee's work habits should be a part of every performance appraisal."
• First, a training program reinforces how ergonomics is a part of the organization's business initiatives to maximize productivity and quality in a safe and healthy work environment.
• Second, participant's workstations are individually analyzed and employees are counseled on methods to improve the efficiency of their work area.
• Third, follow-up is provided to insure methods are being utilized and problems have been resolved.
Using the OSHA training specified "Ergonomics Solutions" method, over 90% of participants have reported the program was extremely effective in improving overall work comfort and employee morale. In addition, 100% of participants have seen at least some improvement in job performance.
Risk management is critical to any organization's success. Ergonomics is a proven method of reducing workplace risks. At the same time, implementing an effective ergonomic program is a cost effective method to increase productivity, improve employee morale, and maximize the company's bottom line.

OSHA training

40 Hazwoper

OSHA certification

OSHA safety training

Friday, March 12, 2010

Are you violating OSHA standards? Share your thoughts with us

Everybody these days working in the field knows about OSHA, but are you really acquainted with the violations you should avoid? Every year, thousands of dollars are spent by big companies on penalties put upon them by OSHA for violating the guidelines and standards also for OSHA training. Recently Disney Land had to pay huge amount on the same!! So, are ready to have OSHA inspect you? Are you 100% in line with the standards…..let’s see.
Here is a list of the most common citations in the Construction industry:

Wiring methods, components, and equipment for general use.
Requirements for protective systems.
Respiratory Protection.
Aerial lifts.
Fall protection systems criteria and practices.
Training requirements.
General safety and health provisions.
Training requirements.
Safety training and education.
Head protection.
Eye and face protection.
Wiring design and protection.
General requirements.
Criteria for personal protective equipment.
Cranes and derricks.

Now the question comes..How to avoid these violations? The most important aspect is to have your staff properly trained for OSHA training and OSHA certification. Each of the above mentioned violations or field of operations needs specific OSHA training and OSHA certification. Some come under OSHA training for health like Asbestos, and some under Hazardous waste training, like 40 Hazwoper training.
How OSHA training does affect your OSHA standing?? That is because of two important things; first OSHA checks that the workers working in a particular field have the proper training certificate for that, Second, if the workers are properly trained they will know safety tips and how to perform in the work environment in line with safety and health guidelines, this will automatically reduce your chances for violations and penalties.
The other important aspect is to use the right and safe materials and equipment when working in the field. The machines should be properly oiled and checked for loose fittings before starting an operation. The electric wiring should be properly covered and earthed. Proper handling of stairways and ladders. Here again the importance of OSHA training cannot be ignored. If someone doesn’t have proper OSHA training on how to use stairways & ladders or work in confined spaces, we cannot expect them to use the right equipment.
Another important tip to remember is record keeping and human resource management. A complete record of the health conditions of all the workers should be kept saved in order to use it in case of insurance claim. Also if a worker gets sick, his past record will help you justify the condition in front of OSHA.
So, there we go….OSHA training, OSHA certification, record keeping, proper equipment….well there is more to cover….but next time. I will appreciate if you share you OSHA training or OSHA inspection experience with us, or just let me know if I haven’t covered something really important.

Monday, March 8, 2010


To become an official instructor, you must take a required OSHA training for trainer course. But the pre-requisite for trainer course is OSHA outreach training. By completing 30 Outreach OSHA certification you will become eligible to take the trainer course
General Industry:
Course #501, Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry.
Prerequisites are:
5 years of general industry safety experience and a completed 30 Hours Outreach OSHA Training and completion of course #511, Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry.
Construction Industry:
Course #500, Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry.
Prerequisites are:
5 years of construction safety experience, a completed 30 Hours Outreach OSHA Training and completion of course #510, Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry.

These courses offer an outline of the majority of hazardous and referenced standards. The courses can be taken online or from a certified OSHA training institute.
When you finish the course, you are approved to train for four years. Before the end of four years, you have to take an refresher course to renew your permission for another four years. There are two update courses available:
 Course #502: Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers
 Course #503: Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers.

Workers' Compensation: OSHA is Listening

Workers' Compensation: OSHA is Listening

Get your OSHA Training and OSHA certification now to avoid penalties...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Be Prepared for OSHA Inspection; Get your OSHA Certification Now!

The sole purpose of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is to format and enforce health and safety standards that save workers in the workplace from accidents and injuries. It has authority to audit organizations for compliance on health and safety. OSHA performs workplace inspections to ensure that employers are fulfilling the standards and providing a safe and healthful workplace.OSHA compliance and safety officers perform these audits. These might be carried out due to accidents, fatalities, complaints and referrals or as a follow-up investigation. An OSHA inspection can become a stressful experience for employers since the agency can impose penalties on those who are violating the standards. Every workplace is unique; no common formula can be assigned for bargaining on an OSHA audit. However, concentration to some fundamental details can be immensly helpful; First, having an efficient safety and health plan which lays down the policies, measures and practices for defense against occupational safety and health hazards and helps to widen the proper attitude. Depending on the sort of industry and the complication of operations, these programs may even contain a Processes Safety Management (PSM) program mandated by the 29 CFR 1910.119 OSHA Standards. An in print program should be communicated to all employees.Second, training employees on occupational health and safety, including OSHA training and OSHA certification should be regular. Proper training is compulsory to insure that personnel comprehend potential hazards as well as practice safe working methods. Third, it is significant for companies to stress worker participation in safe practices. Dynamic employee participation can significantly improve conformity to OSHA certification standards.Fourth, it is imperative that businesses have a written hazard communication program. This is particularly important in industries handling hazardous chemicals. The complexity of the program will obviously depend upon the specific needs of the worksite. It may range from a simple collation of information from Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), to a comprehensive OSHA mandated program in line with the 29 CFR 1910.1200 Standard.Fifth, periodic self inspections and compliance audits will help to identify violations and allow corrective action to be taken. Earlier cases of accidents or injuries, if any, can also be analyzed for possible preventive measures. This will minimize the likelihood of being cited for violations during OSHA training audits.Record keeping is one of the most important tools for providing proof of a company's efforts to comply with an OSHA inspector. The scope of documentation is wide and the more accurately records are maintained; the better it is for audits. Examples of relevant documentation would be accident reports, injury and illness reports, exposure records (hazmat exposure, noise exposure, etc where applicable), past inspections and action-taken reports, as well as employee training records.All these steps will lessen the stress of an OSHA inspection and reduce the odds of receiving citations and penalties. As an OSHA fact sheet states, "OSHA's primary goal is correcting hazards and maintaining compliance, rather than issuing citations or collecting penalties."

Monday, March 1, 2010

Prevention from injuries

OSHA certification

As we are all aware that our capability to deliver a safe work environment is the foremost priority for our workforce and organizations. The Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should not be considered as an hindrance to a successful business but as a helper to judge and enhance our facilities and operations for our employees.

I should add that the role of a company's board of directors is consequential to meeting the guidelines set by outside agencies. The board should check, via executive reports on an annual basis, facility, safety and environmental hazards, as well as OSHA safety training programs to train the workforce, management and the board on the prominence and value the programs deliver for their organizations. Monitoring and decreasing chances of risks is a key component of effective board governance

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has made suggestions targeted at reducing ergonomic injuries, for example; carpal tunnel syndrome or back injuries, in the workplace. OSHA is probable to finalize the suggested regulations later this year. To abide by the new regulations, some business would be required to implement a full ergonomics program and OSHA Safety Training program while others may need just basic improvements.

For instance, if you have workers who perform heavy lifting, you would be required to implement a basic program. However, if a worker suffers an ergonomic injury, you might need to put in order a full OSHA Safety Training ergonomics program for workers in similar jobs.

OSHA certification related courses can be completed online both by individuals and corporations. Oshatraining4all provides a wide range of OSHA compliant safety training with IACET approval. Visit us at to view our course range or for more details. Or call us for help at 866-959-6230

Author: Matt Parkman
SME - OSHAtraining4all

40 Hazwoper

n 1976, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) to legalize the treatment of hazardous waste. Ever since then other conventions have followed, including OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.120, as well acknowledged as 40 HAZWOPER.

Hazardous waste materials are part of numerous work situations, and can be initiated on many types of job sites. In OSHA's point of view it is so vital for employees to know how to be aware of these potentially dangerous substances (as well as how to handle and dispose of them appropriately) they have mandated that anyone working with these materials receive comprehensive training in this area.. As part of these regulations, there are varying requirements for employee hazwoper training, depending on an employee specific level of involvement with hazardous materials.

Here we are going to cover 40 Hazwoper training; its overview for the workers to better understand its importance. Plus the requirements etc

40 HAZWOPER Hour is mandatory for staff working on a project consisting of uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Operation mandated by the administration. This course is exclusively designed for employees who are involved in cleaning operations, voluntary clean-up operations, urgent situation response operations, and storage, disposal, or handling of hazardous substances or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites.

Training objectives

1. Recognize the point of OSHA and its role in regulating OSHA safety training

2. Measures that can be implemented to remove hazards

3. Classify hazardous materials existent in the workplace

4. Use of Material Safety Data sheets (MSDS) to identify and properly handle hazardous materials

5. Establish an effective Site Control Program to perimeter the risk of exposure to only those working in the hazardous work zone

6. Procedures for treating workers in the event of hazardous exposure

OSHAtraining4all is your premier source for hazwoper training and other OSHA safety training courses. The author is a celebrated subject matter expert on OSHA specific training materials.

Author: Matt Parkman- SME

OSHA's Confined Space Standard is one of the most compound safety regulations to implement. Developing procedures for OSHA training, entrance, and release should be done by someone well-informed in not only the OSHA customary, but also in your facility engineering and storage systems. The aim of the program is to guard employees who may enter confined spaces by providing the crucial training, equipment and supervision to avert injury or death.

Atmospheric Evaluation

1. Atmospheric testing of confined spaces is mandatory. Hydrogen sulfide, methane and other toxic gases could be in attendance, as well as short oxygen levels and flammable gasses.

Individual shielding equipment

2. Special protective tools ought to be provided to all entrants. This equipment includes a toxic gas and oxygen meter, complete body strap up with tether line, emergency inhalation air, gloves, eye protection and hardhat.


3. All rescue and deputy workforce must be educated in confined-space entry. They also must have all compulsory personal protective apparatus in place earlier than entering the confined space.


4. Emergency outlet measures must be in place to evacuate all personnel from the space in the event of an emergency. Means of extricating an unconscious worker must also be readily available.

Permit requisite

5. OSHA safety training requires that a company permit be issued for any confined-space entry that poses a severe safety hazard. The supervisor, workers and standby crew must sign the permit after discussing the work responsibilities.

OSHA training and standards have to be implemented vigorously and strictly since large amount of penalties are charged yearly to companies and factories violating these standards and specifications. It is the utmost responsibility of the employer to ensure that the workers are safe from occupational injuries and illness.

OSHAtraining4all is your trusted source for online OSHA training, hazwoper and OSHA safety training. Check out our course offerings at .

Author: Matt Parkman

OSHA Act : "To ensure a safe and healthful working condition for workmen and women; by enforcement of the standards developed, by helping and encouraging the States in their activities to assure safe and healthful work conditions; by making available research, information, education, and training in the field of occupational safety training and health."

How/Why OSHA outlines the training and standards required for safe workplace:

Congress comes to know that personal injuries and accidents occurring at work situations create a burden upon, and are a hindrance to, interstate and intrastate commerce causing lost production, wage loss, medical expenses, and disability compensation payments.

It is the Congress purpose and policy to regulate Commerce throughout the Nation and with foreign countries, and to provide general welfare to ensure that every working men and women is safe from health hazards arising at occupational environment. This policy is implemented by following the under mentioned efforts:

(1) by encouraging employers and employees in their efforts to reduce the number of occupational safety and health hazards at their places of employment,

(2) by employing that employers and employees have separate responsibilities and rights to achieving safe and healthful working conditions;

(3) by authorizing the Secretary of Labor to set forth occupational safety and health standards which apply to businesses affecting interstate commerce.

(5) by providing research in the field of occupational safety and health

(6) by searching latent diseases, establishing causal connections between diseases and work in environmental conditions

(7) by providing medical criteria which will assure that no employee will suffer ill health, low functional capacity, or life expectancy as a result of his work experience;

(8) by providing for OSHA training programs that increase the competence of personnel

(11) by encouraging the States to assume the complete responsibility for the enforcement of their occupational safety training and health laws

(12) by providing appropriate reporting procedures which report occupational safety and health procedures and will help achieve the objectives of this Act and accurately describe the nature of the occupational safety and health problem;

(13) by encouraging joint labor-management efforts to reduce injuries and disease arising out of employment.

OSHAtraining4all is your No. 1 source for attaining the required OSHA training, occupational safety training & EPA training. All courses are completely online and approved by OSHA and IACET.

Visit us at for details and enrollment. E-mail your inquiries at: For enrollment support call us at: 866-959-6230

Author: Matt Parkman - SME at OSHAtraining4all

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